
SE/\/SE Trailer Video: Watch on Youtube!

The TOAST LADS are a school based game development team working on games for the Oregon Game Project Challenge. They have competed in seasons 16 and 17, where they won the Best In Show award BOTH YEARS for the High School Division.

Season 16 - Theme: 'Breaking the Conventions' Game: SE/\/SE
Se/\/Se (Sense) is a strategy, maze, horror game where you use your five senses to escape a mansion full of monsters. The senses you cherish most are ripped from you one by one and you must now survive without it. Make it through all five levels to escape. Will you navigate your way through the danger?
The game can purchased to play for yourself on Steam
Listen to the Official Soundtrack! on Youtube!

Season 17 - Theme: 'Cycles' Game: M/\RK3T M3T/\L
[M/\RK3T M3T/\L] (Market Metal) describes a world where your home is on wheels, your life is in danger, and your mission is to build the best train you possibly can. Explore 20 unique biomes - each with unique resources to aid in your progression. But you're not alone... bots lurk around every corner, threatening not only you, but your train and the passengers inside. You must find a way to push through barriers and become the best conductor ever to live.
We are currently working towards getting [M/\RK3T M3T/\L] prepared for a full Steam release, however there is still much left to do and many new features to add, so it will take some time.
Watch the Trailer and Making Of Video on youtube now!

M/\RK3T M3T/\L Dev Blog

Updated Monthly, this devblog will show progress from each member on the team of our game 'M/\RK3T M3T/\L' (Market Metal) on their own words.

November (11/29) - Progress Report



What I've done:
I'm very proud that I've coded a perlin noise generator from scratch, which I've been able to implement biomes, drawn by Levi.
What I'm working on:
I'm currently working on all of the train and track movement. I'm almost done with it and I'm excited to work on other aspects of the design
Thoughts about project:
This project is looking more and more promising every day - sometimes I'll think of all the things I want to add and I get so excited to see what our end product is. Our team is doing a great job.
Other thoughts:



So far I have worked on some music, specifically the Whistle Song, as well as some art, that being the train tracks, the Logo, and have begun concept art for the robots. I have also done all the work on the design doc, and am currently working on this website. Im feeling very good about our team and the game, and am exited to start working with the new members that we have added this year.



So far this year, I have made the train sprites for the game, I am currently working on Turrets, the protagonist, passenger animations and Bossbad. I am really excited to get to work on such an atmospheric game, and I'm excited about all the new help we have found in the making.



At this point, I have done the basic art for many of the biomes and resources, as well as some work on the backdrops. I'm feeling pretty good about our progress so far, we've already done so much. definitly going to win.



Made a paper flipping sound.
Working on walking sounds.
Now that I have actually finished a sound it feels like im actually part of the team, not just there.

December (12/31) - Progress Report



What you have finished:
A lot of bug fixes (and procrastination)
What you are currently working on:
I'm going to be working on better visuals as well as many of the train and item mechanics
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
It's getting a little stuck right now - more work piling on and the work is a little harder than I expected
Anything else you want to add:



In this last month I have made a concept demo for one song, and gotten about halfway done on another. I have also done updating on the design doc, more work on the website, and finished most of the playtest feedback form. I am currently working on finishing the second song.



I have finished the passenger walk cycles and sprites for Bossbad and decided the passenger sprites will be the protagonist. I am re-vamping the train sprites, and finishing the passenger walk cycles, I also did a trailer video intro. This is going really well, but being unable to be at club for the whole time makes me nervous. I really want a customizable player and cool looking cutscenes.



What has been finished:
trees and basic biome art
What you are currently being working on:
more recources and background items to make the wold feel fuller
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
We have done well so far, but we will need a push to have a playable game by the playtest party
Anything Extra?



I made a walking on wood sound.
Working on trying to complete the other walking sounds.
Never wished I had a sheet of steel so bad.

January (1/31) - Progress Report



What you have finished:
I've been working on my bots recently. They're a key portion of the employee mechanics and survival, so I want to make sure it's top-notch quality. I've also been working on decorations and little things that make the game look better to have something nice to look at while I code the bigger things.
What you are currently working on:
I'm currently working on storage mechanics and giving the employees as well as the player places to store items they collect.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I'm falling behind right now as I have a lot on my plate aside from coding, but I'm starting to feel a second wind, so that's hopeful.
Anything else you want to add:



What has been finished:
I have completed most of the hair and hats for the passegners, as well as a few shirts. I also finished the first train station battle song and the Burnt Forest song.
What you are currently working on:
I am currently working on more passenger clothing art, as well as more biome music.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I am glad about how much work we have done so far, although I am slightly worried as there is still a LOT of work left, but I belive that we will be able to get it done.
Anything Extra?
I am super glad that we decided to adjust how we are working on things, and are starting to do weekly sprints, which will help us make sure to get stuff done on time.



I've finsihed pretty much all of the passenger sprites and most of the turret sprites. I'm currently workon in finishing the turrets and then I'm going back to working on the train. I think we've come a long way, but I'm worried won't be able to finish in time. Some things may have to be cut.



What has been finished:
I have finished the basic structures that can be interacted with as well as finished the weather effects What you are currently working on:
finishing biome art and biome dependent recources
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
the game is going very well, excited for the playtest party
Anything Extra?



What has been finished:
I have completed the walking on metal sound.
What you are currently working on:
I am now beginning work on the turret sounds per the request of Joshua.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I need to get a bit faster at pushing out sounds.
Anything Extra?
If only owning a tank was legal.

Febuary - Progress Report
We forgot about Febuary (Its Not Real)

March (3/31) - Progress Report



What you have finished:
I've finished a lot of GUI - it's a pain, but I'm getting through it so it's okay. Things are coming together albeit a bit slower than anticipated. I'm pretty sure we'll get everything done in the end, though.
What you are currently working on:
I'm currently working on more GUI - specifically the GUI for exchanging passengers from the encampments onto the train
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
It's going okay - a lot to do an only a month left to do it.
Anything else you want to add:



What has been finished:
Since Febuary I have finished all clothing items except for the pants. I have also completed the burnt forest, water, mountain, and tropical songs and a song that can be used as menu music or anywhere else that we forgot to add music to.
What you are currently working on:
I am currently working on finishing up the last siting shirts, and have just started working on passenger pants. I am also struggling to come up with a melody for the theme park song, so I might switch to working on a different song for now.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I think we have made a lot of progress, but we just had a meeting that added some more things that we had not previously thought of. We are all gonna have to start no-lifing the development to make sure we can get everything done on time.
Anything else you want to add:
And so the grind begins.



What has been finished:
I have finished the train (mostly) and most of the bots as well as most of the utility cart upgrades.
What you are currently working on:
I'm working on a lot right now, with the bots, utility upgrades, and control panels being just a few.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I think it's going well, now I'm able to be literally more present, I'm sure things will seem better for me. Plus, if we run into problems, I've gotten good at running up against deadlines ;)
Anything else you want to add:
We will knock 'em dead, because we have to.



What has been finished:
I finished the item designs for all of the recources, and have worked here and there on other random things that needed to be done
What you are currently working on:
I am currently working on a lot of UI designs
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
Things are coming together really well, I'm excited to see how it all works out
Anything else you want to add:
lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of cornbread



What has been finished:
walking on snow sound
What you are currently working on:
the god forsaken turet sounds and the crafting recepies
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
it do be going
Anything else you want to add:
i am rapidly running out of random things to chuck at the wall

April (5/1) - Progress Report



What you have finished:
I've done a bunch of key features I probably should have done sooner... So much work to do. It better be worth it.
What you are currently working on:
I'm juggling between 3 main features so that I don't get bored - The main things I'm working on are: Combat, Journals/Tutorials, and Player interaction with world.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
Anything else you want to add:



What has been finished:
I have now finished all of the biome songs, as well as 2 more train station battle songs, leaving only 2 more battle songs left to do. Ive also completed all of the clothing items, which took forever to do as there was also sitting and using animations along with the top down view of them.
What you are currently working on:
I am currently working on all of the journal pages, both for the story implimentaton and tutorials. There is a lot of work both inside and outside of gamemaker that goes into those.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
We are definitely very behind, we could definitely use another month, but we have less than half of that. I am worried that we wont be able to get everything done on time.
Anything else you want to add:
I am going insane. My entire life outside (and a good amount of time inside) of school is dedicated to the game. Pluh.



What has been finished:
I finished all of the turrets, and all the art I've been assigned. I've also been working with William to get all of the sounds done as well.
What you are currently working on:
I am currently lying in wait for the boss battle to be create so I can make animations for it.
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
I'm really stressed about getting the project done on time, and it's making me irritable and impatient. If all the main pieces could be finished I will be extremely relieved.
Anything else you want to add:
This project is weighing on our consiouses. New words: Pluh, Flrst, and /yis.



What has been finished:
I have finished quite a few resource item sprites as well as a lot of ui elements
What you are currently working on:
I am currently working on whatever Jason wills me to do
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
It will have to be good enough
Anything else you want to add:
womp womp wesa winning



What has been finished:
What you are currently working on:
i am courrent working to finishing up the crafting resapies and the last of the sounds
Overall thoughts about the project and how it has progressed so far:
somed fum
Anything else you want to add:
ogga booga